I recently watched a video from Lost at E Minor regarding a toddler's positive affirmation about herself and her family. One can say, yeah, she can be positive because she is a kid. However, if you listen closely, the affirmations she says can also be said by adults.
One of the things we have to hurdle as headshot photographers is the negative self-talk that many of us engage in on a daily basis. That is why even before the client steps in our studio, we encourage them by debunking some myths they (including us!) have believed through the years like "I will never look good in photos!" and "I will never be able to get good photo again." to name a few. This constant encouragement continues on during the shoot even up to the end. It is our way of reinforcing the positive over years believing something that can be untrue in many ways. Hope you enjoy this bit of cuteness and truth from the mouth of a babe.